Why Restroom Trailers For Music Festivals Are The Way To Go

Why Restroom Trailers For Music Festivals Are The Way To Go

Music festivals are a cultural phenomenon that brings people from all walks of life together to celebrate their love for music and create unforgettable experiences. However, one aspect of these events that often goes overlooked is restroom facilities. Portable restrooms have long been the standard at music festivals, but recently, restroom trailers have emerged as a more luxurious and convenient option. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why restroom trailers are the way to go for music festivals.

Enhanced Comfort and Hygiene

One of the biggest advantages of restroom trailers over traditional portable restrooms is the enhanced level of comfort and hygiene they provide. Portable restrooms are often small and cramped, with limited ventilation and basic amenities. On the other hand, restroom trailers are more spacious, well-ventilated, and equipped with amenities like running water, mirrors, and proper toilet facilities. This added comfort can significantly improve the overall festival experience for attendees who don’t have to compromise on their basic needs.

Multiple Facilities and Reduced Lines

Restroom trailers come in various sizes and layouts, offering multiple facilities that cater to a large number of attendees simultaneously. Unlike traditional portable restrooms, which often have long queues and limited availability, restroom trailers can accommodate more people at once, reducing waiting times and the frustration that comes with it. This results in a smoother flow of attendees, allowing them to spend more time enjoying the music and attractions rather than waiting in line for the restroom.

Improved Accessibility for All

Another significant advantage of restroom trailers is their accessibility features. Traditional portable restrooms are not designed to accommodate people with disabilities or those with mobility challenges. Restroom trailers, however, can be equipped with ramps, spacious interiors, and accessible facilities to ensure that everyone, regardless of physical abilities, can use the restroom comfortably and safely. By providing inclusive facilities, music festivals can ensure that everyone feels welcome and catered to.

Cleanliness and Maintenance

Maintaining cleanliness in restroom facilities is a crucial factor for any music festival. Portable restrooms are notorious for their unsanitary conditions due to limited cleaning options and frequent usage. Restroom trailers, on the other hand, can be easily sanitized and maintained throughout the event. They often come with dedicated cleaning staff who ensure that the facilities remain clean, stocked with essential supplies, and well-maintained, minimizing the risk of unpleasant experiences for attendees and promoting good hygiene practices.

Aesthetics and Branding Opportunities

Restroom trailers also offer unique branding opportunities for music festivals. Unlike traditional portable restrooms that are often bland and uninspiring, restroom trailers can be customized and branded with festival logos, colors, and themes. This allows organizers to create a cohesive aesthetic throughout the event and enhance the overall festival experience. Personalized restroom trailers can be seen as an extension of the festival’s brand identity, leaving a lasting impression on attendees.

Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness

With growing concerns about environmental sustainability, music festivals have a responsibility to adopt eco-friendly practices. Restroom trailers are a more sustainable option compared to portable restrooms. Many restroom trailers come equipped with features such as water-saving fixtures, energy-efficient lighting, and eco-friendly disposables. Additionally, these trailers can be connected to water and sewage systems, reducing the need for chemical solutions and frequent waste removal. By opting for restroom trailers, music festivals can demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility.


Restroom trailers have revolutionized the concept of restroom facilities at music festivals. With their improved comfort, enhanced hygiene, multiple facilities, reduced waiting times, accessibility features, and branding opportunities, they offer a superior experience for festival attendees. Furthermore, their cleanliness, customized aesthetics, sustainability, and eco-friendly features make them a smart choice for music festival organizers who aim to provide a memorable, inclusive, and environmentally conscious event. So, the next time you attend a music festival, keep an eye out for restroom trailers, and enjoy the convenience and luxury they have to offer.

Need some restroom trailers for your next event? Let us help! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

The Benefits Of Restroom Trailers For Corporate Events

The Benefits Of Restroom Trailers For Corporate Events

When it comes to planning corporate events, there are numerous factors that need to be taken into consideration. From the venue to the catering, every detail matters. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is the restroom facilities. Many event organizers fail to realize the importance of providing clean and comfortable restrooms for their guests. This is where restroom trailers come in. These portable and luxurious restroom facilities are the perfect solution for corporate events. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of restroom trailers for corporate events.

1. Enhanced Comfort and Privacy

One of the main benefits of restroom trailers is the enhanced comfort and privacy they provide. Unlike traditional portable toilets, restroom trailers are equipped with modern amenities and features that make guests feel more comfortable. They are spacious and have separate stalls for men and women, each equipped with toilet bowls, sinks, and mirrors. This ensures that guests can use the restroom facilities in privacy and without feeling claustrophobic. The deluxe interiors of restroom trailers often resemble that of high-class hotels, providing a luxurious experience for guests.

2. Improved Hygiene

Another major benefit of restroom trailers is improved hygiene. Traditional portable toilets are often unhygienic and unappealing to use. Restroom trailers, on the other hand, are maintained and serviced regularly to ensure cleanliness. They come equipped with features such as hands-free faucets, liquid soap dispensers, and paper towel dispensers, making it easier for guests to maintain proper hygiene. Additionally, restroom trailers also have proper ventilation systems in place, preventing unpleasant odors and ensuring a fresh atmosphere.

3. Accessibility for All Guests

Restroom trailers are designed to be accessible for all guests, including those with disabilities. Most restroom trailers are built with wheelchair ramps, wider doorways, and spacious interiors, allowing easy access for guests with mobility issues. This ensures that all attendees can use the restrooms comfortably and without any inconvenience. The inclusivity provided by restroom trailers reflects positively on the company hosting the event, promoting a welcoming and inclusive environment.

4. Increased Capacity

Corporate events often attract a large number of attendees, and having sufficient restroom facilities becomes crucial. Restroom trailers are available in different sizes and configurations, allowing event organizers to choose the one that best suits their needs. These trailers can accommodate multiple stalls, ensuring that there are enough restrooms for all guests. By increasing the capacity of restroom facilities, restroom trailers prevent long waiting lines and reduce the chances of any inconvenience for attendees.

5. Positive Brand Image

Providing high-quality and comfortable restroom facilities at corporate events helps create a positive brand image. Guests appreciate the effort put into making their experience pleasant and comfortable, and this reflects positively on the company hosting the event. By opting for restroom trailers, event organizers demonstrate their commitment to providing the best possible experience for their guests, leaving a lasting impression.

Final Thoughts

Restroom trailers offer numerous benefits for corporate events. They provide enhanced comfort, improved hygiene, accessibility for all guests, increased capacity, and contribute to a positive brand image. By investing in restroom trailers, event organizers can ensure that their attendees have a pleasant and comfortable experience throughout the event. So, if you’re planning a corporate event, don’t overlook the importance of restroom facilities and consider the many advantages of restroom trailers.

Want to learn more about what restroom trailers could do for your next corporate event? Let us help! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

How To Keep Your Porta Potties From Smelling

Inside,a,portable,toiletHow To Keep Your Porta Potties From Smelling

Porta potties are a convenient and cost-effective solution for outdoor events, construction sites, and other situations where access to a traditional restroom is limited. However, one of the biggest challenges of using porta potties is the unpleasant odor that can develop over time. Fortunately, with some simple precautions and practices, you can keep your porta potties fresh and odor-free. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how you can keep your porta potties from smelling.

1. Choose the Right Location

The first step to preventing unpleasant odors in your porta potties is to choose the right location. Select an area that is out of the wind and away from high-traffic areas. Additionally, make sure the area is well-drained to prevent the accumulation of water and sewage.

2. Clean and Deodorize Regularly

The best way to keep your porta potties from smelling is to clean and deodorize them regularly. This should start with a deep cleaning before the event or project begins. After that, you should clean and deodorize the porta potties daily or more frequently if needed.

To clean your porta potties, you should use a mild cleaning solution and a long-handled brush. Scrub all surfaces inside the unit, including the toilet bowl, seat, and walls. After scrubbing, rinse the surfaces thoroughly with water and dry with a clean cloth.

To deodorize your porta potties, you can use specialized products that are designed to neutralize odors. These products usually come in liquid or powder form and can be added to the water tank or sprayed on the interior surfaces of the porta potty. Be sure to use a deodorizer that is safe for the environment and won’t cause damage to the porta potty.

3. Use Ventilation Systems

Proper ventilation is key to preventing unpleasant odors in porta potties. Most porta potties have vents built into the roof, but you can also add additional ventilation systems to improve airflow. For example, you can install a solar-powered ventilation fan that uses the sun’s energy to create a constant flow of air through the unit.

4. Provide Hand Sanitizer

Providing hand sanitizer to people using your porta potty can help reduce the spread of bacteria and germs and keep your porta potty smelling fresh. Make sure to choose a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and place it in an easily accessible location inside the porta potty.

5. Encourage Proper Use

One of the most effective ways to prevent unpleasant odors in your porta potty is to encourage proper use. Place signs and posters inside the unit that remind people to flush the toilet after use, dispose of waste properly, and avoid throwing trash or non-flushable items into the toilet.

You can also encourage people to use the porta potty properly by providing a handwashing station outside the unit. This will encourage people to wash their hands after using the toilet, which can help reduce the spread of germs and keep the porta potty clean and fresh.

6. Monitor the Usage

Regularly monitoring the usage of your porta potty can help you identify potential issues before they become a problem. Assign someone to check the porta potties regularly and report any issues such as clogs, leaks, or damage.

Additionally, you should have a plan in place to deal with overflow situations. If a porta potty becomes full, it can quickly become a major source of odor. Establish a protocol for emptying and cleaning the unit as soon as possible to prevent unpleasant smells from developing.


Keeping your porta potties from smelling requires some effort and attention, but it is well worth it for the comfort and convenience of your guests or workers. By choosing the right location, cleaning and deodorizing regularly, using ventilation systems, providing hand sanitizer, encouraging proper use, and monitoring the usage, you can keep your porta potties fresh and odor-free.

At Royal Flush Bathrooms, we are committed to providing high-quality porta potties and exceptional service to our customers. If you are in need of porta potty rentals for your next event or project, contact us today to learn more about our services.

How Porta Potty Hand Wash Stations Work?

How Porta Potty Hand Wash Stations Work?Hand,washing,station,,portable,soap,dispenser

Portable toilets are a popular feature at outdoor events, construction sites, and other places where traditional restrooms are not available. They are a cost-effective and convenient way to provide access to basic bathroom facilities. However, there is often one major downside to using a portable restroom: no hand washing facilities. Fortunately, porta potty hand wash stations are now available to help alleviate this problem. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how these stations work.

What Are Porta Potty Hand Wash Stations?

Porta potty hand wash stations are standalone units that are designed to provide users with access to running water, soap, and paper towels. They are typically located near portable toilets in order to encourage good hand hygiene habits, which can help prevent the spread of illness and bacteria.

Most hand wash stations are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is a durable and reliable material that can withstand the rigors of outdoor use. They are also equipped with a water tank, a soap dispenser, and a drain valve. Some hand wash stations even have foot-operated pumps to dispense water, which helps prevent the spread of germs.

How Do Porta Potty Hand Wash Stations Work?

Porta potty hand wash stations are easy to use. The user simply needs to step up to the unit, pump the foot pedal to activate the water flow, and then use soap and water to wash their hands. The water is distributed through a spigot, which is located on the top of the unit and is typically activated by pressing down on a lever.

The soap dispenser is usually located on the side of the unit and works in the same way as a standard soap dispenser: the user simply needs to press the button to dispense soap onto their hands. Some hand wash stations even have automatic soap dispensers, which use motion sensors to dispense soap without the need for contact.

Once the user has washed their hands, they will need to dry them. Most hand wash stations come equipped with a paper towel dispenser, which is located on the front or side of the unit. The user simply needs to pull out a paper towel and dry their hands thoroughly.

How Are Porta Potty Hand Wash Stations Maintained?

Porta potty hand wash stations require some maintenance in order to remain clean and functional. This typically involves emptying and refilling the water tank, replacing soap and paper towel supplies, and wiping down the surfaces of the unit to keep it clean.

Maintenance is typically provided by the company that rents or sells the hand wash station. They will typically schedule periodic visits to the unit in order to refill supplies, clean the unit, and conduct any necessary repairs or replacements.

Why Are Porta Potty Hand Wash Stations Important?

Proper hand hygiene is critical in preventing the spread of illness and bacteria. By providing users with access to running water, soap, and paper towels, porta potty hand wash stations help encourage good hand hygiene habits and reduce the risk of infection.

Hand washing is especially important at outdoor events, where large groups of people may be in close proximity to one another. Portable restrooms are often located in areas where hand washing facilities are not readily available, so hand wash stations provide a convenient solution that can help prevent the spread of illness.


Porta potty hand wash stations are an essential component of outdoor restrooms. They provide users with a convenient and accessible way to maintain good hand hygiene, which can help prevent the spread of illness and bacteria. If you are planning an outdoor event or need to provide restroom facilities at a construction site, be sure to include porta potty hand wash stations in your plans.

How To Choose the Right Porta Potty For Your Festival

Group,of,people,standing,near,portable,toilets,in,a,parkHow To Choose the Right Porta Potty For Your Festival

When organizing a festival or any large event, a question that crops up time and again is that of sanitation. Ensuring that there are enough toilets for the crowds of people in attendance is crucial, but getting the right type of facilities can make all the difference to the experience for attendees. Porta potties, or portable toilets, have become the go-to solution for events, and for good reason. These mobile restrooms are clean, hygienic, and easy to use, and they can be moved around to suit the needs of your event seamlessly. However, with so many different types of porta potties available, it can be challenging to know which one to choose.

Here are some critical factors to consider when it comes to selecting the right porta potty for your festival:

1. Get a Portable Toilet That Suits Your Needs

One of the essential things to keep in mind when picking a porta potty for your festival is to choose a style that meets the needs of your event. For example, if you’re hosting a family-friendly festival, you’ll undoubtedly need restroom facilities that are toddler-friendly. Baby changing stations, or porta potties with baby seats, would be necessary in this case. Similarly, if you’re hosting a music festival, you may want to consider renting luxury porta potties that include mirrors, sinks, and a changing area. There are also ADA-compliant porta potties that come with wide doors and grab bars for attendees with disabilities.

2. Consider the Crowd Size

The number of people who will be attending your event is another crucial factor to consider. The general rule of thumb is to have one porta potty for every 50 attendees. However, this guideline is not set in stone and will depend on the duration of your event and the type of people attending. For example, if your event is lasting multiple days and involves alcohol consumption, you may need more porta johns to account for higher demand. You’ll also want to consider where to place the porta potties on the grounds. It’s essential to ensure that they’re placed in convenient locations and are easily accessible.

3. Keep Hygiene in Mind

Festivals are sometimes known to be hot, crowded, and sweaty experiences. As such, you’ll want to ensure that the porta potties are as clean and hygienic as possible. You can rent porta potties with hand sanitizing stations, which promote cleanliness and make it easier to maintain good hygiene. Make sure to hire reliable cleaning services too that can come by at regular intervals throughout the event and clean and restock the units.

4. Pay Attention to Accessibility

Accessibility is a crucial factor, particularly when it comes to hosting a festival. Everyone should have access to restrooms regardless of their age or ability. Portable toilets with wheelchair ramps should be placed where attendees can easily navigate towards them. You’ll also want to ensure that the porta potties are placed on level ground. This enables people with disabilities to use them without any obstacles. Make sure that the units are well-lit too, especially if you’re hosting events that run late into the night.

5. Don’t Neglect Aesthetics

Though it may not seem like it at first, the appearance of the porta potties can have a massive impact on the overall aesthetics of your festival. It’s essential to rent porta potties that are clean, fresh, and visually appealing. Options like high-end restroom trailers and flushable porta potties have aesthetic appeal, and they add to the overall ambiance of the event. Even for standard porta potties, pay attention that they’re maintained well and are part of the festival environment.

Wrapping Up

Choosing the right porta potty for your festival is one of the most critical decisions you’ll have to make for your event. It’s important to consider the needs of your attendees, the duration of your festival, and the placement of the porta potties. With this guide, you should be able to make informed decisions and select the right portable toilet for your event!